Local helpline: 01473 212224
South East Anglian
Alcoholics Anonymous is not organized in the formal or political sense. There are no governing officers, no rules or regulations and no dues or fees. The need for certain services for alcoholics (both within AA and those "still suffering" outside) has been apparent from the beginning of the Fellowship and it is these which form the basis for the service structure.
The aims of an Intergroup are to aid the constituent Groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic and, by using their combined strength and unity, to improve and maintain good relations with all organisations in the community.

As well as a chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and secretary each intergroup appoints a number of liaison officers who have a particular sphere of external service activity: public information, employment, prisons, health, probation, telephone (helpline), armed services and electronic communications (AA website and on-line response). Other liaison officers deal with internal AA matters including literature, AA periodicals (SHARE and Roundabout magazines) and archives.
Intergroups are able to coordinate resources and fund initiatives within their areas and to connect and consult with each other at regional level.
Contact Intergroup if you want to get involved, contact details below.
SEA Intergroup Meetings
These are business meetings and should therefore be conducted in a business-like fashion having particular regard to the guidance in the Traditions and the Twelve Concepts. One meeting in the year should be set aside for the Annual General Meeting at which the year's accounts are reviewed and approved, and upon which date the rotation of officers should come into effect. A suitable agenda prepared by Intergroup officers should be sent to all Groups in good time so that the Group can discuss the subjects to be raised and make known their views to their GSR (General service rep). Observers are welcome at Intergroup meetings but may not vote and it is suggested may only express their views at the invitation of the Chairperson.
Apr 16th 2025
South East Anglian Intergroup Zoom Meeting
Intergroup meeting, Bentley
Questions for Conference 2025
Every year, AA Service News presents Questions for Conference. These questions have been raised by the Fellowship and selected by the Fellowship for discussion and resolution by the Fellowship at the annual AA Great Britain (AAGB) Conference. Conference is due to be held in York on April 11-13th 2025. This is your opportunity to read the questions and voice your opinions to your conference delegates, group, intergroup and region over how AA works.
Please consider the contribution each question has in carrying the message together with any financial and practical implications.
1. Cross Sharing Definition: Should a standard definition of “cross sharing” be created to ensure clarity and consistency in AA meetings?
2. Inclusivity for Multi-Addicted Members: How can AA ensure that its doors are open to everyone with a desire to stop drinking, including those with other addictions?
3. Open and Closed Meetings: Should the terms “Open” and “Closed” be updated or clarified to make them less confusing for newcomers?
4. Special Interest Groups: How can inclusivity and unity be balanced when accommodating special interest groups within AA, such as LGBTQIA+ or gender specific meetings?
5. Sponsorship Guidelines: Should AA update sponsorship guidance in its pamphlets and create a card with newcomer advice on seeking help?
6. Men-Focused Video: Should AA create a video specifically aimed at encouraging men to join the fellowship?
7. Online Platforms: How can AA effectively carry the message on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc., while adhering to its traditions?
8. Safeguarding Practices: How can AA improve guidance for safeguarding at all levels, especially in handling legal and interpersonal issues?
9. Language in AA Literature: Should AA create a leaflet explaining the historical context of the language used in the Big Book and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions?
10. Service Terms: Should service position terms be adjusted to fill vacancies and retain experienced members?
11. Meeting Information Updates: How can groups be encouraged to regularly update their information using the “Pink Form” or a modern equivalent?